Guardian Llamas, Sheep and Goats
Swallow Hill Farm Mar 13, 2018
Swallow Hill Farm is adding Sheep, Goats and Pork
We have taken steps to add naturally raised sheep, goat and pork products to our list of naturally raised meat products. We brought Boer Goat (a heavy meat breed) and Katahdin/Dorper sheep (hair sheep breeds) to the farm during February 2018. We will be growing our flocks throughout most of 2018 and should have lamb and goat meat available in late 2018 or early 2019.
Sheep and goats are more susceptible to predation from feral dogs and coyotes so we have purchased two "guard llamas". Our new llamas (Jamalia and Lilac) are already adding and interesting dimension to the farm. They haven't yet become accustomed to the chickens and the cattle but should begin protecting our "Flerd" (flock herd) after two to three weeks of "bonding".
Sue and I take our new llamas (members of the camel camelid family) on daily orientation walks so they can begin to recognize the normal terrain and animal life here on the farm.
Tags: animals, coyote, goats, llamas, meats, pasture-raised, predation, sheep
kimberly williams
Jun 18, 2018 @ 2:09 PM
Comment ID #5
This is such a cool idea!