Page and post results for "pastured poultry"
2018 Grass-Fed Beef Pre-Order - Buy local grassfed and finished beef for 2016 (Sold Out)
Farm Website - Welcome to our family farm website! Our site features information about grass fed beef, rotational grazing, pastured poultry, free-range chickens and more. We hope you enjoy our web pages, blog and photo galleries!
Forage and Grazing Field Day - Join us for a Spring Forage and Grazing Field Day in Northern Virginia on April 14, 2016.
Free Range Egg Expansion - Local farm expands free range chicken egg business with portable eggmobile.
Home - Located in Caroline County near Fredericksburg Virginia, Swallow Hill Farm offers grass fed beef and lamb by the quarter, half or whole share.
How to Buy or Reserve Products - We sell natural foods, including grassfed, grass-finished beef, woodland pork, pastured broiler chickens and free range chicken eggs. Located near Fredericksburg, we are a short driving distance from Richmond, Ashland and Northern Virginia.
New Pastured Poultry Brooder - New low cost chicken brooder design to provide a healthy start for our new chicks.
Pastured Poultry - Pastured poultry no longer available. Sorry.
Slow Cooked Chicken Recipe - A great way to slow cook a pasture raised broiler chicken to create a spicy, tender and juicy dinner.
Spring 2017 Product Update - Natural farm products available at the Swallow Hill Farm Store. Convenient to Northern Virginia, Fredericksburg, Central Virginia and Richmond. Grass finished Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Honey, Soap.