Page and post results for "pasture-raised"
About Buying Our Beef - Buying natural grass-fed, grass-finished beef Swallow Hill Farm: This page includes details on pricing, ordering, USDA inspection, custom meat processing and more.
Contact - Contact Swallow Hill Farm: We are local to the Fredericksburg Virginia area, we produce grass fed, grass finished beef for sale directly to customers by the quarter, half and whole. We no longer operate an on-farm retail store.
Easy Egg Custard Flan Recipe - This is an easy egg custard flan recipe. No fancy ingredients needed, just free range eggs, sugar, whole milk and a vanilla bean.
Farm Store Closing 3/25/2023 - Sorry. We have not written a description for this page.
Forage and Grazing Field Day - Join us for a Spring Forage and Grazing Field Day in Northern Virginia on April 14, 2016.
Free Range Egg Expansion - Local farm expands free range chicken egg business with portable eggmobile.
Grass-Finishing Beef - We finished no-till planting 40 acres of our farm with Foxtail Millet, a "High Diversity Summer Mix" and a "Basic Summer Mix". This will enable expansion of our grass finished beef operation.
Guardian Llamas, Sheep, Goats - Swallow Hill Farm is adding sheep, goat and pork to the list of naturally raised meats available to its health conscious customers in Virginia. Guardian llamas will help to ensure the new animals are well protected from predators.
Healthy Naturally Raised Pork - Now offering healthy, naturally raised woodland pork products.
Home - Located in Caroline County near Fredericksburg Virginia, Swallow Hill Farm offers grass fed beef and lamb by the quarter, half or whole share.
How to Buy or Reserve Products - We sell natural foods, including grassfed, grass-finished beef, woodland pork, pastured broiler chickens and free range chicken eggs. Located near Fredericksburg, we are a short driving distance from Richmond, Ashland and Northern Virginia.
New Pastured Poultry Brooder - New low cost chicken brooder design to provide a healthy start for our new chicks.
Raising Grass Finished Beef - Working to overcome calf rejection by her momma cow
Slow Cooked Chicken Recipe - A great way to slow cook a pasture raised broiler chicken to create a spicy, tender and juicy dinner.
Spring 2017 Product Update - Natural farm products available at the Swallow Hill Farm Store. Convenient to Northern Virginia, Fredericksburg, Central Virginia and Richmond. Grass finished Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Honey, Soap.
Testimonials - Testimonials and Reviews: What customers from across Central and Northern Virginia are saying about our grass-fed beef, free-range chicken eggs and other farm products.